100 Interiors Around the World (Bibliotheca Universalis) ---multilingual

100 Interiors Around the World (Bibliotheca Universalis) ---multilingual

B. inggris pls help me udh nyerah buat translate, siapa tau ada yg bisa bantu terimakasih

Jim : Betty, something interesting happened this afternoon.
Betty : This is such an interesting article in the paper, Jim
Jim : Now, Betty! There's something I want to tell you.
Betty : Jim! You know I don't like being disturbed while I'm reading the paper.
Jim : But Betty, Hadi has invited us to a party at the University!
Betty : At the University! Why didn't you tell me?
Jim : I've been trying to tell you, but you didn't want to be disturbed.
Betty: Well, I want to be told all about it. Who invited us?
Jim : Hadi phoned me this afternoon and invited us.
Betty : What sort of party will it be?
Jim : Hadi's professor is giving a farewell party for him. The professor told him that some of his best friends could be invited too.
Betty : And Hadi thought of us! I'm very happy to be invited to the party, and I'm very proud of being included among Hadi's best friends!
Jim : Well, I hope to be introduced to Hadi's professor. I've heard so much about him. Betty : Jim! What shall I wear?
Jim : Oh, you have plenty of beautiful clothes. Of course, my best suit should be dry cleaned.
Betty : Jim, your best suit does not need be dry cleaned. It looks quite all right. But I'll need a new dress for the party, I wouldn't like to be seen at the party in an old dress. Jim : Well, I know you like being invited to parties, and I know you enjoy being admired when you're wearing new clothes, but the expense must be thought of!
Betty: Oh, the money for a new dress could be saved if you gave up smoking for a few weeks!
Jim : Now, Betty, let's be sensible. You have that wonderful blue dress that you wore to Nancy's party. Hadi and Yati weren't at that party, so they haven't seen it yet. Nobody at Hadi's party will have seen that dress, so you'll be able to wear that.
Betty : I suppose you're right, Jim. But I'll need a new bag - and some new shoes! -QUESTION:
1. What is Betty doing when Jim coming?
2. Why did Betty ignose Jim before?
3. What was the news that carried by Jim? 4. How did Hadi invite Jim and Betty?
5. For what event the party be held?
6. Who insists in making the party?
7. Why did Betty need a new dress?
8. Mention the reasons why did Jim not allow Betty to buy a new dress!​

Bahasa lain d. Pedagang buah I, Eusian soal-soal di handap ieu ku jawaban anu bener ! 11. Ari orderan mah hampir ti sakabeh kota di Jawa Barat. Nu kaasup istilah perdagangan dina kalimah di luhur nyaeta .... 12. Taun - Bapa - cilok - tos - icalan - sabaraha - ? - Kalimah di luhur disusun jadi kalimah nu bener nyaeta .... 13. Pêk ku hidep susun kekecapan ieu di handap jadi hiji kalimah nu bener ! Bi Juju - nawar - buah - keur -- tukang dagang - di 14. Kalimah di handap cindekkeun naha kaasup kana kalimah pagawéan atawa lain k pagawean! Galih mios ka sakola Komputerna dua 15. Bu Sari Usaha manisan sayuran ti nuju SD keneh. Jien kalimah tanya tina jawaban di luhur ! nu​